THIS week Alex McStea joins View From on work experience from the Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis. Alex has been living in Dorset for almost 10 years after moving with her family from Reading, Berkshire in search of a place to live in the countryside. Along with her younger brother she has spent most of her life on a small estate close to the sea and in the heart of the countryside. But now at the age of 15 she begins to look past the small community she has been brought up in and further into her future. Currently a year 10 student at The Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis, Alex has been searching for a work experience placement that will benefit her and her future. After considering many placements she decided to spend a week working for View From.
WHAT do you like most about school?
I enjoy being able to see my friends every day. There’s usually a great atmosphere as well, being with a big group of people all in the same situation as you. I think that without this type of atmosphere life would be a bit boring.
WHAT do you dislike?
A lot of mornings I would much rather relax and not have to rush to get to school. Also more recently, with so many exams and assessments going on for more than eight different subjects, it can get quite hard. A skill that I am finding I have to use a lot more is prioritising my work.
WHAT is your favourite subject?
Well I don’t exactly have a favourite subject and it’s confusing because I’m interested in such a variety of things. The main subjects I am interested in are Textiles, Science, English and Geography. I also enjoy Art, however, I no longer do this subject because I was able to take the GCSE exam two years early. I managed to achieve an A.
WHY did you choose to come to a newspaper for your work experience?
I enjoy writing for a purpose and I am in top set for English therefore I thought journalism would be a good thing to look into. I do have an interest in media, however, I wasn’t really sure of the different specific roles it consists of. Seeing as this was the career I knew the least about I thought it would be a good idea to try and go to somewhere I could get an insight into a media environment.
IS THIS the only work experience you’ve completed so far?
It is with the school but last year I also took part in a photo shoot for Shout magazine. This was partly because we had been informed about our work experience for the next year and initially I was very interested in going to work for a magazine. I have a relation who is the editor for Take A Break magazine therefore I contacted her and it went from there. Although I wasn’t actually old enough to participate in work experience with a magazine it still gave me an idea of what it’s like.
WHERE do you see yourself in five years time?
In five years time I would like to think I would be at university because whatever I do decide to do I would like to stay in education as long as possible. I do enjoy learning new things and I’m quite a hard worker therefore I think university would be a great opportunity for me.
WHAT would be your dream job?
I’m not sure but I think that I would need to be a bit active or creative in my job. I don’t think I will be certain of a dream job until I’ve worked out what it is I enjoy most. I definitely want to enjoy what I do and work hard to get what I want.
WHAT would be the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
Hmm, clothes! No, I wouldn’t want to waste it on clothes, I think it might be to buy a bigger house or a new car for my family. I know that if my mum won the lottery she would give a lot to charity.
IF YOU were stranded on a desert island what three items would you want with you?
Well, firstly it would have to be food and water, but the third item is hard to choose. I think it would have to be shelter, although I would like it to be my phone or laptop.
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